Come celebrate with us our 25th annual golf tournament, themed ‘SIMPLY GREEN‘!

We are proud to announce that this tournament will mark our first carbon-neutral event, showcasing the eco-friendly practices and products of our sponsors. Our event promises to be inclusive, entertaining, and environmentally friendly! We together, let’s make this edition an unforgettable moment, where enjoyment is coupled with ecological responsibility!”

Founded in 1983, the Centre des Technologies Textiles (former name of Groupe CTT), is a Collegial Center for Technology Transfer set up by the Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe at the request of the Quebec Ministry of Education. From its inception, it aimed to offer the textile and paratextile industry technical services mainly related to the realization of standardized tests.

Our History page gives details on our evolution during these 40 years, driven by innovation with and for the industry.

The program features a series of engaging and enlightening activities, including our “Fun Facts” game that will challenge your knowledge of sustainable development in connection with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Moreover, it’s a unique networking opportunity, bringing together professionals from the textile industry who share the same values of sustainability. During the cocktail, we will be pleased to showcase the eco-friendly practices and products of our sponsors.

Golf Tournament

THURSDAY, July 4, 2024
Golf Club Cowansville

8:45 AM Welcome
9:00 AM Brunch
10:15 AM Putting Contest
11:30 AM Shotgun start
5:00 PM Cocktail
5:30 PM Presentation “Eco Products”
6:30 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Awards


By adopting environmentally friendly practices, Groupe CTT aims to reduce its ecological footprint and promote more sustainable lifestyles. This includes offsetting the carbon footprint generated by the event, selecting more thoughtful door prizes, and reducing waste. When we organize events like this one, we have a unique opportunity to raise awareness among participants about the importance of eco-responsibility and to encourage more sustainable behaviours. By integrating eco-friendly initiatives into our events, we contribute to preserving our planet for future generations.

The usual formula has been selected : brunch, putting contest, Shotgun departure, cocktail, dinner, not to mention many gifts.

Join the party and show yourself as a partner in our success with this sponsorship program.


Launched in 2005 by the UNISFÉRA International Centre, Planetair is a climate change initiative now managed by the Planetair Centre. This non-profit organization promotes sustainable development and addresses climate change through mitigation and adaptation.

Planetair invests in certified carbon offset projects in Canada and abroad, ensuring verified reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Projects include solar and wind energy, improved stoves, and optimized waste management, which prevent emissions at the source by reducing fossil fuel dependence and methane emissions.

In addition to carbon offset projects, funds received from Groupe CTT will also support projects that contribute to the fight against climate change in Canada carried out by The Nature Conservancy Canada, a charity recognized in the field of nature and biodiversity conservation.

Available in French only

Certificat Compensation GES Golf 2024
Événement certifié arboneutre VERT 2024

Our Partners

“In the spotlight”:

40 years of innovation have generated numerous collaborations between CTT and our industrial partners. This is a great opportunity to put them in the spotlight throughout the year, on this page and on our social networks:

The following 3 themes are:

  • “In the spotlight: from yesterday to today

  • “In the spotlight: a technological showcase

  • “In the spotlight: recognition of a personality

Manufacturers wishing to participate to the “In the Spotlight” campaign of the 40th of the CTT can register using this form.

The CTT Group is fortunate to have great partners!

Industrial partners are essential for the growth and success of businesses. Their expertise and resources provide new opportunities and help overcome challenges. Together, they create powerful synergies and build a sustainable and innovative future. The CTT Group is fortunate to have great partners.

Thank you to our partners !


Groupe Calko


Logistik Unicorp




Thank you to our sponsors !